Processing and Sustainability

PROC-001: Assessment of DAK formation during interesterification of edible oils and fats
Development of the interesterification (IE) process is a consequence of the necessity to replace partial hydrogenation, which presented the drawback of forming TFA, known to…

PROC-002: Study of Physical-chemical Properties of Different Palm Oil Varietals using GC-FID and NMR to Evaluate the Impact in Food and Biofuel Industries
Palm oil, extracted from the fruits of the Guinean Elaeis, is the most produced and used vegetable oil in the world with applications mainly in the food and biofuels…

PROC-003: On the Potential of a Portable Nano FT-NIR for Predicting Total Phenol, Flavonoid and Oleuropein content of Dried Olive Mill Eeaves: A Preliminary Study
Olive mill leaves are usually of poorer quality compared to those freshly cut and dried, due to inadequate handling, tissue damage, delays in sampling, transport…

PROC-004: Brassica Carinata and Camelina Sativa: Potential New Biofuel Feedstocks
Growing world demand for renewable fuels and more sustainable crops has resulted in an increased interest in alternative, new oilseed crops. Cover crops such…

PROC-005: Processed Meat Products with Less Saturated Fat
There is a growing global trend towards the reduction of saturated fat in food, with a World Health Organization (WHO) recommendation of reducing intake of such fats to…

PROC-006: Influence of the Germination Stage on Processability in Aqueous Phase of Chia Seeds for the Release of Oil Bodies
An aqueous integrated process has been developed for several years for high robustness and versatility in the release of oilbodies from oil seeds. It is designed as an…

PROC-007: Influence of Camelina Seed Oil-Bodies Release Parameters in the Development of an Integrated Oilseed Biorefinery Scheme
Camelina is a seed that is still under-exploited in the world despite its clear agronomic advantages (resistance to pests, low input requirements, plant cover…

PROC-009: Effect of Saturated Fatty Acid Distribution on Fractionation of High Oleic-high Stearic Sunflower Oil
Oil fractionation processes involve the crystallization of the most saturated triacylglycerols (TAGs) before separating the liquid phase. This can be done with or…

PROC-010: Glycerolysis of Vegetable Oils as a way for Emulsion Stabilization
The preparation of structured lipids by enzymatic glycerolysis is a modern approach to design low-saturated, trans-free, and sustainable fat ingredients…

PROC-011: Adsorption of Carotenes from Crude Palm Oil onto Macroporous Polymeric Resin: A microCT Analysis
From the industrial perspective, carotenoids from palm oil are classified as an undesirable compound once their dark orange color and typical aroma would overlap…

PROC-012: Protein-based Janus Particles formed by Electrohydrodynamic Process – An Application as Pickering Emulsifier
Pickering emulsions stabilized by Janus particles have gained interest due to their excellent stability. We propose a novel method to produce protein-based Janus particles…

PROC-013: Evaluate the Co-Crystallisation of Saturated Triglycerides with Wax Mono-Esters to Reduce Saturated Fat in Foods
Reducing saturated fat in foods is an increasingly important health objective due to its impact on population health and global sustainability. Fat is a highly functional…

PROC-014: Stability of Tocopherols and Tocotrienols during High-moisture Extrusion of Plant-based Protein Ingredients
There is an increasing demand for plant-based protein ingredients and products made from them due to environmental and nutritional reasons. High-moisture extrusion (HME)…

PROC-015: Effect of Oil Extraction Method on Oil Quality and Oxidative Stability
The increase in consumer interest in oils with high health-promoting values, observed in recent years, has contributed to the development of the market for these…

PROC-016: Brassica Carinata & Camelina Sativa: Potential New Biofuel Feedstocks
Growing world demand for renewable fuels has resulted in an increased interest in alternative, new oilseed crops. Cover crops such as Carinata and…

LAMI-004: Solvent Extraction of Rapeseed Expeller Cake by methyloxolane and its impact on the Quality of Rrude Rapeseed Oil and Extraction Meal
Nowadays, industrial screw pressing of rapeseeds (Brassica napus subsp. napus) reduces oil content to 16 – 20 %. Obtained expeller cake is further extracted by…